mgr Zofia Budkiewicz


Education and experience:
Education and experience: She obtained an MA degree in physiotherapy of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw and completed postgraduate studies in Nutritional Counselling and Dietetics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Additional activities: She is a former athlete of the SKRA sports club in Warsaw. Her knowledge has been broadened by numerous fitness courses and training, including 1st and 2nd degree massage courses, kinesiology taping, aromatherapy, rolfing, functional massage, massage of pregnant women and women after giving birth, and many others. She works with pregnant women and women after giving birth. She has been co-operating with hospitals and birth schools (The Holy Family Hospital, Krystyna Niżyńska Hospital) where she demonstrates how to look after your body during pregnancy and after giving birth to a baby and teaches partners how they should massage their partners. She has been a fitness instructor for 14 years.

specjaliści fertimedica
