Genetic tests

What do genetic tests give you?

  • Genetic tests in infertility diagnostics help to detect any genetic causes of problems with conception or recurring miscarriages.
  • Genetic tests also help to observe any predispositions to cancer and implement appropriate preventive actions.

What genetic tests are performed at FertiMedica?

The most common genetic tests performed in infertility diagnostics (all are available at FertiMedica) are as follows:

  • karyotype test (both partners),
  • fragile X chromosome test (women with premature ovarian failure),
  • detection of Y chromosome microdeletion (men with reduced semen parameters),
  • screening for detection of the most common CFTR mutations (gene responsible for the occurrence of mucoviscidosis; part of mutation is caused by reduced semen parameters and/or unilateral or bilateral obstruction or absence of vas deferens).
  • KIR and HLA-C testing in idiopathic infertility with recurrent miscarriages.

How are the genetic tests performed?

Genetic tests involve blood sampling; they do not require special preparation and they do not have to be performed under fasting conditions. Depending on the type of test, you may have to wait for the results even for a few weeks.

Do unfavorable results of genetic tests disqualify me as a future parent?

No. Even the Infertility Treatment Act states that it is not allowed to limit the opportunities of reproduction because of genetic diseases (Article 3.2). It is important to be aware of the existing problem and the knowledge of any possible consequences of genetic disorders for the offspring. Current capabilities of preimplantation genetic diagnosis help couples predisposed to genetic diseases to have a healthy baby.

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