Infertility? I know what it means. Obsessive waiting for two lines on the pregnancy test, endless frustration, thousands of medical tests, treatment, a moment of hope, then despair and so on, over and over again … cycle after cycle, month after month.
The period of trying for a child was very difficult for me. I was treated in one of Warsaw’s clinics. It was impersonal, fast and automatic-like. Nobody stopped for a moment to talk to me, to try to support me or advise me how I should find myself in this situation and how I should deal with the overwhelming reality.
I decided to create such a place. Believe me, it was not easy. The hardest part was finding people who shared my thoughts about infertility, and yet had extensive knowledge and experience in its treatment. I succeeded! FertiMedica was founded – a place created for patients by the people for whom not only the result of the therapy matters, but also the way it is achieved.
Postanowiłam stworzyć takie miejsce. Uwierzcie mi, że nie było łatwo. Najtrudniejsze okazało się znalezienie osób, które o niepłodności myślały tak jak ja, a jednocześnie miały olbrzymią wiedzę oraz doświadczenie w jej leczeniu. Udało się! Powstała FertiMedica – miejsce stworzone dla pacjentów przez ludzi, dla których liczy się nie tylko rezultat terapii, ale także to, jak zostaje on osiągnięty.
For us, all that counts is a human being. We know what our patients go through – we know those emotions, anxiety, feeling of helplessness – we are here to go through it together. I encourage you to make an appointment at FertiMedica. Find out that you can be treated differently.
Click and read about our clinic and its specialists.